Let's revolutionize the concept
of access to water

Water Adv represents an important initiative born from a profound awareness of the challenges humanity is facing. The fundamental objective of this project is to ensure that water, an essential good for human life, becomes accessible to all free of charge.

Universal access

Ensuring global and free access to water is our primary mission.

Ethical advertising

Responsible advertising focused on free and open access to water generates a positive social impact.


We promote responsible use of water resources through educational approaches.

The future

Find out how we address current challenges to shape a future where water becomes a universal right.

The product

Each can becomes a means to spread positive messages, thanks to our eco-sustainable 100% labels. Advertising is no longer just an announcement, but a powerful tool for education and awareness. Join us on this journey to a better world, where every sip of Acqua Adv not only quenches thirst, but inspires and informs.


A Fundamental Good
We work to change the perception of water, transforming it from a luxury to an accessible necessity. Our unique approach uses advertising as a tool to raise awareness, educate and inspire for a future where quality water is everyone's right.


Innovation and Sustainability
Discover our revolutionary can, your daily water companion. Made from lightweight, fully recyclable aluminium, this can stands out for its durability and sustainability and is perfect for everyday use.

Our approach

Through cutting-edge technologies and advanced strategies, we aim to transform access to water into a universal and sustainable reality. Our innovative solutions aim to change the paradigm of accessibility to water for all.

Acqua Adv's approach focuses on 360-degree sustainability, from the production of cans to their distribution, ensuring that every aspect of the process is eco-compatible and respectful of the environment.

Using advertising spaces on cans to promote, Acqua Adv reinvents the concept of marketing, connecting the brand with important causes and creating a positive social impact.

Central to Acqua Adv's mission is the objective of making quality water accessible to all, countering the tendency to consider it a luxury good and promoting its availability as a fundamental right.

The company builds partnerships with public, private, and global organizations to broaden its reach and impact, working together to address environmental and social challenges.

Public data

Percentage of Access to Drinking Water

Currently only 71% of the world's population has access to safe drinking water sources. We aim to focus this percentage on reaching 100%.

Water Pollution Rate

Approximately eighty percent of the world's wastewater discharges go untreated. We want to reduce the pollution rate through innovative strategies.


Water Consumption Per Capita

The average water consumption per person is 173 liters per day in many developed countries. We want to commit to reducing this consumption by promoting sustainable practices.


Impact of Advertising Campaigns

Advertising campaigns to raise awareness reached over 5 million people in one year, positively influencing attitudes towards equitable access to water.



Acqua Adv is paid for with the advertising spaces printed on the cans. Furthermore, ten cents per single can are donated to charities and crowdfunding projects.

By carefully examining the pros and cons of aluminum cans, we know that none are perfect, but it is a much more sustainable solution than plastic. Our long-term goal is to produce, fill, distribute and recycle all our services and products at 100%.

Help us spread the word by sharing our project on social media and through your friends and family.

It depends on several factors:

1) The number of units?
2) Are we the ones distributing the water or are you the ones distributing the water?
3) The place of distribution?
4) Do you have a graphic designer on staff or do you need us to design it?
5) Are you sharing the ad space with someone else?

Aluminum bottles have an SQM of a pallet containing 1,000 units. You can divide the label space with variant of four or two brands.

Approximately seven weeks from project approval and payment. However, it is always advisable to place the order as far in advance as possible as this is an activity that requires time and organisation.

We are the best loyalty medium for brands in Europe, and there are unique opportunities to incorporate this exciting new medium into most advertising activities and budgets.


For quotes, information and/or collaborations, do not hesitate to contact us.

Acqua Adv Srls

Certified e-mail: acquaadv@pec.it
Registered office: Via San Procolo, 5
37123 Verona

VAT number 05011870234

© Acqua Adv Srls is a registered trademark. All rights reserved.